SITE WORKS "CITIZEN STATUS" MATTERS! "U.S. Citizen" or as a... Constitutional "American National"? An American National is not a "citizen" of any Federal jurisdiction, not a Federal taxpayer, not a surety, slave or servant to Washington DC. It has been reported that people who enter certain input on a passport application are classified within 9 months "Do Not Detain" in law enforcement computers, a classification of Diplomatic Immunity. FreedomTaker.com maintains contacts with trusted people who can help you secure your "American National" status and provide more information about the benefits of that. To get assistance in optimizing your public status, contact us at: feedback (-a-t-) freedomtaker dot com. OFF-GRID LIVING Independence? ![]() LIVE OFF GRID and have dirt-cheap overhead while working remotely or retiring! There is room for your garden, privacy and living on your own schedule. - Land for trailer or tiny house you supply. - Assistance installing your own off-grid solar power. - Well water included. - Assistance with setting up your home. - Low monthly rental for land only. Now is the time to go OFF-GRID. Take control of your life and ride out any upcoming apocalypse! Limited number of spaces available. 818-843-3667 Mainstream media is censored, biased and mostly propaganda. We recommend the following alternative news sources: Freedom's Phoenix ZeroHedge Need To Know News What is FREEDOMTAKER? In addition to being a depository of free download documents, this web site is a reminder of how important it is for every individual in society to "take", to actively claim, protect and defend the freedoms he or she values. The idea that freedom can be granted or that it is a "benefit of citizenship" is based on defective logic. Anything that is granted to you by someone else is not your freedom because someone apart from you is controlling the granting of it. The only true freedom is that which you imagine, take and protect for
yourself. If you look to someone else for your freedom you are
demonstrating that you do not understand what freedom is. While theoretically, someone can grant you freedom, that rarely happens. Why would someone give up their power and wealth so you can be free? Freedom
is almost always taken, not given. This does not mean freedom should be taken by infringing on the rights of other individuals. Of course we must have the wisdom to know the boundaries of our freedoms and have respect for the freedoms and rights of others. When to Compromise? "No compromise" means all parties who wish to have any relationship or transaction with us must act in absolute transparency and accessibility, with high integrity, full accountability, never presuming contracts with us, honoring our rescissions of contract without question or hesitation, getting fully informed and voluntary consent from us for everything they do that affects us or that costs us, upholding EVERY provision of our Constitution and disregarding any and every unconstitutional statute, code, regulation and policy. This level of freedom does not currently exist in America or any other country, but it is the ideal, and it can easily be achieved when a large enough fraction of the population demand it ... without compromise. Not everyone understands or agrees with these positions. To some, the taking of power and rights is considered a natural function of government and a corporate entitlement. They believe we must forfeit rights and freedoms to have a "civil and orderly" society. We at FREEDOM TAKER believe otherwise. Honor and accountability is only found in individuals, not in institutions. To see if you agree with the purposes of this site visit the above link to "FreedomTaker Philosophy" and see the paragraphs below... HERE IS THE
PROBLEM, Our "protectors" have created an endless and growing series of crises, disasters and wars and dangers as a means to cause fear and to hold power. As governments, globalists, banks, courts, corporate oligarchs, bureaucracies and wealthy elites watch their frauds come unraveled, their debt obligation charts turn vertical and their currencies fail, as the public begins to recognize that not just politics, but even terrorism, wars and disasters are calculated mechanisms of public manipulation and control by the same small cabal of moneyed elite, as those power players demonstrate ever more desperation to control, tax, exploit, "suspect" and penalize everyone and everything in sight, basic freedoms and rights have been disappearing faster than we have been defending them, and that trend is now accelerating rapidly. It is impossible to please the countless policies and false masters who seek to control and exploit us. Their hope is that we fail to comply and thereby be classified as "wrongdoers" and be subject to even more control and economic exploitation. We get psychotic and contradictory messages from our institutions and media. They entice us to "consume" to preserve the economy and pay more taxes while they penalize us for "causing too much release of carbon". They zone our jobs far from our homes, then condemn us for commuting and polluting. They say we must have "economic growth" while taxing economic growth at punishing levels. As we are bombarded with technology we are blamed for our use of it causing "climate change". It is not people who cause climate change, it is technology. Rather than bringing standard criminal justice against actual terrorists they strip-search every American who passes through an airport and they kill villages full of innocent people with unmanned drones. We are being squeezed into impossible traps of control and penalization by irrational collectivist agendas and ideologies. By declaring a contrived crisis of "man-caused climate change", elites seek to empower themselves to criminalize us for merely breathing. At the same time, each one of those elites who lecture us and claim authority over us consume hundreds of times the resources of the average person for maintenance of their personal lifestyles. Centralized control and policies that serve only the policymakers must be put away. Stale assumptions about "authority" must be seriously questioned for their failures, incompetence and corruption. Our "authorities" have created a public debt so massive that it can never be settled. In spite of the fact they did that without our consent and knowledge they drain our assets and earnings to service that debt without even asking if we consented to the debt. No person alive should be allowed to create debt upon another without written consent and fair exchange. Most debt is for wars, bailouts and programs that were never approved by you or me. Society's "planners" and "leaders" have caused millions of people to die in senseless and counterproductive wars, they have enslaved three-quarters of the world to the service of fraudulent fiat currency-based debt while they use schools and media to condition us to believe they are "competent leaders" against all evidence. Looking at what goes on, it would seem that competent leadership is not even possible. Between 2008 and 2014 a major percent of America, an astonishing 30% of all homeowners stand to lose the the roofs over their heads in foreclosures due to bank fraud, government corruption, poor public policy, failures of leadership and protection of corporate agendas. Police are becoming militarized and committing atrocities unheard of just a few years ago. Unmanned drone aircraft are being deployed within our borders in unlimited surveillance of a supposedly free population. In the name of "security" our "authorities" are putting global peace and stability at greater and greater risk every day with utterly sensless military actions while causing country after country to fear, hate and swear vengeance upon America and Americans. Our "authorities" have now shown themselves to be total failures, if not our most determined enemies. We do not need centralized control and institutional seizures of our power, wealth, rights, property and future. This web site exists to search for and offer REAL SOLUTIONS to the major challenges and assaults upon the individual's rights, wealth, property and self-determination by "the collective", the institutional and political puppets and their puppetmasters behind the curtain. If you have a solution that RETURNS power and rights to individuals, make sure to send us something about it that we can post. And if you need a solution like that, this will be a good place to look. Please look over the topics on our resources page and contact us if you have any knowledge or connections to empower free individuals in those areas. We WANT to put a link up for your solution if it can be verified. We want your video, redacted court filing documents, your proven ideas and methods of fighting the sociopaths otherwise known as corporate-controlled government, globalists, statists, police states, monopolies, unconstitutional statutes, and all forms of institutional force and control. Support of government must be voluntary, earned and deserved by a just and efficient government working in the public interest in the way the public demands. Any government agency, program or action not demanded by the vast majority of Americans is illegitimate agency, programs or actions. On this site we plan to minimize theory and speculation and maximize real answers and solutions. The times have changed. People need help and they need results. People need remedies against predatory lenders, excess taxation, property seizures, militarized police, personal control and manipulation by government, currency-controlling banks and globalist agendas. FreedomTaker.com, like millions of other people and organizations, intends to be part of the solution, a resource and benefit to anyone who values freedom, individual sovereignty and self-sufficiency. We are losing these things at this point in history, but those losses are waking a lot of people up, and many of us are waking up angry. Sadly, fighting for freedom is not generally done by only those who are materially comfortable or who cannot see the dangers ahead of them. Those who are blind and complacent are the first to be defeated and destroyed at the crest of the collapse. Those who are hungry and desparate are more likely to drive and welcome a revolution. Hunger and desperation is currently a growth industry nearly everywhere. Every act of official corruption, waste and injustice creates a new group of disenfranchised revolutionaries. In fact, considering the litanny of crises created by our corporate and governmental institutions, disenfranchised revolutionaries may be our nation's fastest growing demographic segment. WHAT FREEDOMTAKER IS This site places no cookies, uses no scripts and does not store visitor data without request to, and agreement from the visitor. This website does not contain legal advice, professional advice or expert advice. This site is opinion-based free speech. If applying information from this site we recommend that you verify the information before taking action. "It is never wrong to take freedom for yourself... It is never right to take the freedom of another."
DISCLAIMER: The contents and downloads on this web site are not represented as legal advice or legal services. Please regard the content of this web site as the opinions of the content contributors. One reason the healthcare system is so abusive is that we fail to tell them what we we will, and will not, allow them to do to us. See the above video for a description of this download document for you to give to your healthcare provider. This Notice document will put you back in control of your healthcare! NOTICE TO HEALTHCARE PROVIDER Donate $10.00 to go to the download page. -OR- To get the document without donating click HERE. (MS Word Format) The best way to claim and protect your rights is IN WRITING. The free download documents here have value and utility for anyone who wishes to secure their lives and protect themselves and their families from a rigged and hostile civic and corporate infrastructure. These documents provide answers, claims and notice to many of the bad actors and wrongdoers in government and corporations who think it is their privilege to violate your rights, seize your wealth and property, invade your privacy and assault your health and safety. When you are "silent", when you fail to clearly state your position on the record, you are presumed to agree with whatever is being done to you! You are presumed to be a servant, slave and ATM card to the system. Documents, links and references on this web site help you correct that problem.
FOR UNSAFE UTILITY METER DOWNLOAD LINK This document causes that person to be personally responsible to pay all costs of harm and damages caused by the unlawful invasive radiation-emitting fire hazard surveillance device they have put on the side of your home after you show them evidence of damage and submit your claim. We have found that utility companies usually do not properly or lawfully respond to a customer's refusal of the hazardous and harmful electronic utility meters. Rather than simply provide a standard, safe and lawful electromechanical meter as the law requires, the utility company usually proceeds to unlawfully bully, harass, mislead and penalize the customer, and in some cases terminate the customer's electric service unjustly. Our courts, justice system and law enforcement consistently fail to protect utility customers from this abuse and these criminal violations perpetrated by utility company officers and employees. Those utility customers who cannot install OFF-GRID energy production of their own and cancel their utility accounts must take other measures to protect themselves as we outline on EMFhelpcenter.com. The NOTICE OF LIABILITY is a first step in protecting ourselves. There are more complete instructions explaining how to send the notices at EMFhelpcenter.com under the center column on the home page titled "SOLUTIONS". NOTICE OF DEFAULT |